Fun Facts for “Forever Under Her Skin”

Factoid One
Finally, Sienna's book! Originally, she was going to star in the third book of the series, then the fourth, and then...well, I just forgot about her as stories for other characters took priority.

Factoid Two
Sienna is the last remaining significant minor character from the very first book, “Nothing But A Fling,” to get her own book.

Factoid Three
I am a fan of the show “Ink Master,” and wish it was still in production. Interestingly enough, though, I do not have any tattoos.

Factoid Four
In early 2021, I had started writing a book for Sienna! But I put aside that manuscript in favor of others. Originally, Sienna’s story was going to be very, very different.
Originally, it was going to be an “opposites attract” tale, centered around the marriage of Sienna’s mother to the father of the woman Sienna would eventually fall in love with.

Factoid Five
The name Gail Gothic was used in the original abandoned manuscript. However, in that manuscript, Gail Gothic was merely the name of a rival tattooer which Sienna was going to face off against in a tattooing competition. I don’t even know if I ever planned on giving that Gail Gothic any lines in the book. When I decided to rewrite Sienna’s tale, I liked the name Gail Gothic so much that I decided to make her Sienna’s love interest.

Factoid Six
In the original manuscript, Sienna’s love interest was named Kayleigh, and she was somewhat prudish and dressed very modestly. However, she also had large breasts, like Gail in the finished novel.

Factoid Seven
The speed-dating chapter was also in the original manuscript. Naturally, however, because I changed the main character (Kayleigh to Gail), I had to make significant changes to the chapter.

Factoid Eight
Monique was also in the original manuscript, as Kayleigh’s best friend. I liked her character so much (including her interaction with Adrienne) that I decided to bring her over to this new book.

Factoid Nine
Monique is mentioned in the novella “Starting Forever in Paradise.”

Factoid Ten
Despite how many previous books Sienna has made an appearance in, this is the first time we discover her last name.

Factoid Eleven
After putting aside the original Sienna manuscript, I always assumed that once I resumed work on it that I could just pick up where I left off--which wasn't insignificant. I had written five whole chapters!
But once I decided to change the concept of the story, I basically had to start from scratch and ended up losing the majority of the content of the original manuscript.
Case in point: In the original story, Sienna's mother is a significant part of the tale. In "Forever Under Her Skin," she's only mentioned once.

Factoid Twelve
I enjoyed writing the scene between Sienna and Chloe! This is the first instance of those two characters having any time alone in one of my books since "A Matter of Trust."

Bonus Factoid
Of all the books I’ve written, I had the most difficult time finding a cover image for this one. The tricky part was the tattoos, and finding an image of two women in a somewhat intimate pose, both with tattoos.


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Fun Facts for “Starting Forever in Paradise”