Fun Facts for “Mrs. Claus is Gay AF”

Factoid One
Faith was originally named Becky. Heinrich was originally named Helmut.

Factoid Two
I genuinely considered making this a fantasy-type tale in which Angela Claus was in fact the real Mrs. Claus—married to the real Santa. But I just couldn’t figure out how to bring that about.

Factoid Three
Pfeffernüsse are one of my favorite cookies.

Factoid Four
This was one of those instances where I had the title of the book before I started writing it. “Rhymes with Couple” was the only other time I had done that.

Factoid Five
I plan on buying a Lux & Nyx origami tote for myself for Christmas.

Factoid Six
Harold, the director of Mrs. Claus Becomes Prime Minister, was named after Harold Prince, the legendary Broadway director.

Factoid Seven
Herbert, the playwright, I modeled after one of my curmudgeonly uncles who lives in Queens, New York.

Factoid Eight
Angela’s favorite cocktail, the Manhattan, is also the favorite of my girlfriend. Every time we go to a new bar, she orders one just to see how well they make it. If it isn’t good enough, she’ll never order it again at that place and will instead order a different drink. Right now, there are only three bars between Carlsbad and San Diego that make Manhattans so good it’s the only drink she’ll order in those establishments.

Factoid Nine
With this book, I intentionally decided to mix things up a bit in my oeuvre by having two women who were not out-but-kind-of-not-out. Angela has to be very careful about whom she shares her true sexuality with. Faith needed to move to San Diego in order to live freely as an out lesbian, because her family was worried that the society they were part of in New Orleans would not look kindly on it.
Most of my books feature women who are blatantly out and proud. The exception is “Nothing But A Fling,” because Megan is out to her friends, but not to her family.

Factoid Ten
In the book, I mention that Faith’s typical Thursday nights are reserved for fuzzy socks, pizza, and bingeing a streaming series. That’s the typical Thursday in my household as well.

Bonus Factoid
I love the name The Wet Bar so much, I’ve decided to feature the location in future books. So, be on the lookout for it!


Fun Facts for “What to Do Outside Tremont”


Fun Facts for “What Comes After One”