Fun Facts for “Never Call Her A Spy”

Factoid One
First book in the series which opens in another country.

Factoid Two
First book in the series in which the character featured in the opening was not even mentioned at all in the book which immediately preceded it. Or any other Carlsbad series book, for that matter.

Factoid Three
Xandria’s name was originally going to be used for Helen’s name in “Never Has She Ever.” But I decided that I liked the name Xandria so much that she needed to be the main character in this story because I think it suits her superspy background.

Factoid Four
Carmen calls her mother “Ma.” I took that from my own world because that’s what I call my mother. Except when I’m being petulant. Then I call her “Mother.”

Factoid Five
Carmen’s mother’s name is taken from the character of Conny Corleone, from “The Godfather.”

Factoid Six
I modeled the character of Pioneer after Max von Sydow. Specifically, the Max von Sydow you see in films like “Hannah and Her Sisters” and “Minority Report.”

Factoid Seven
Carmen joins Sienna as the only two women who were officially in the Carlsbad Royal Lesbian Court without first having a girlfriend.

Factoid Eight
Carmen’s love for Diane Keaton is modeled after my mother’s, who will watch anything with Ms. Keaton in it. I myself am a fan of “5 Flights Up” because she is so good in it, and I also love Morgan Freeman in general.

Factoid Nine
Like Xandria, it also took me awhile before I learned how to properly attach a shelf to my wall so that it wouldn’t fall down.

Factoid Ten
The Bluewater Grill (where Carmen and Xandria have their first date) is a real place in Carlsbad, and my family often goes there for special occasions.

Bonus Factoid
I have never been an intelligence operative, but like Xandria, when I sit down in a new restaurant, I also take note of where all the exits are, as well as things like fire alarms and fire extinguishers are. If the restaurant is above street level, I also know where the nearest staircase is.
My Dad taught me that. He was also never an intelligence operative, but he told me that in a post-9/11 world, he wanted his only child to always be aware of her surroundings, and to know how to get out of trouble, should trouble arise.
He also taught me how to find north using only the hands of a watch—which has come in handy never...but it is a good party trick.


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