News About My Next Release!

Hi All!

The manuscript for my next release is in the beta reading stage! It is mostly done, there is just one more beta reader who is still going through the manuscript and helping me find any mistakes. She—like all of my beta readers—is also making some very good suggestions about improving sentences and paragraphs, helping them to read better.

For those of you who don’t know what beta reading is, here is a primer:

Whenever I finish a manuscript, I do a read-through myself to edit it. Once I have done that, I’ll hand it over to my team of beta readers, and then I buy several bottle of wine.

My beta readers are an amazing group of women! They are fans and, in some cases, also fellow writers. They read every manuscript I produce and find every silly mistake Sabrina Kane makes!

And I make a lot!

For example, I’m big on forgetting words in sentences. So, I’ll may write something like, “Vanessa closed the and headed to the bedroom.”

Did you catch what I left out? Yep…what the hell did she close? A door? A window? Her bank account?

My beta readers catch stuff like that. They also keep me on my toes about proper comma usage as well knowing when to use “she” instead of “her.” I am terrible about that! LOL. It makes me wonder how I spent my days in school when I was kid.

What helps is that, right now, all of my betas are British women, so…they come from where English was invented. No pressure at all, right? But that’s an advantage because it’s like having Mozart tell you how to tune your piano.

And, of course, them being from England is a huge help when it comes to my Cornwall books! Particularly when it comes to making sure words are spelled the British way.

Beta readers will also make suggestions to improve the manuscript. These can be as simple as suggesting to reword a sentence, to more complex ideas like suggesting that I change certain actions that I have my characters doing, for example, because those actions don’t really fit the character. They will also point any logic flaws I’ve inadvertently put in the story.

All of these are important things, and my betas truly are incredible.

It’s kind of weird that it worked out that they are all from England. I’d like to find some American betas, I just need to take the time to look for some.

Oh, and the wine I buy is for when I read the comments beta readers leave in their copy of the manuscript, and I realize what an idiot I was for leaving out things like what Vanessa closed before heading to the bedroom.


Also…yay! I have come up with a title for the next book! I’ll start working on the cover very soon, and then putting together all of the various promo materials, including one of my trademark videos!


Other News:

I spent all of last week working on Top Secret Project #2. LOL.

Oh, and by the way, the next book to be released is Top Secret Project #1! Just to make you all even more enticed.

This week, however, I am going to resume work on Carlsbad 14.


Website Updates:

First of all, thank you for all of the positive feedback I’ve gotten on my website! I’m so glad you love it!

I recently added a page that will list upcoming lesfic releases by other authors, so be sure to keep checking that page to stay in the know. You can find that page by clicking the button on the “New/Fun Facts” page.

I also added a link on the “Merch” page to my Redbubble store for additional Sabrina Kane merch related to my books.


Anyway, stick with me for further updates!

P.S. If there are any mistakes in this blog entry, I apologize. My beta reading team did not proof this for me. :-)


New Release Announcement!


Fun Facts for “Clueless No More”