Updates for End of July

Hi All!


Some updates for you!


Carlsbad 14 News

The manuscript is still in the beta reading stage, but that is coming to a close soon. The last beta reader is working on it, and I know she definitely wants to finish it before she goes on a cruise with her wife this coming weekend. (And I’m sure her wife would appreciate her not working while on vacation.)

I am also going to start work one of my famous book announcement commercials that everyone seems to enjoy. I’ve gotten back the voiceover files from my friend Katlynn, and I will start putting the video together soon, during what little spare time I have.

The release date (as well as the title and cover) will be announced very soon.


Other Writing News

I’ve been hard at work on another “stand-alone” novel, not connected to the Carlsbad or Cornwall series (though there is a Carlsbad Easter egg in the story).

Additionally, I have officially started writing Andromeda 3! I’m really excited about this one, and even I can’t wait to see what new adventures the UCS Fordham and her crew embark on.

And…yay! I have finished my Holiday 2024 novella! It still needs to be beta read, and I still have to come up with the cover artwork. It would also help if I came up with a title as well.


Holding Court Comic Strip

In case you haven’t heard via social media, Episode 5 of my sapphic comic strip, “Holding Court” has been released, and is live on my website. Visit my site to enjoy it!

The response to this has been really terrific, and has encouraged me to continue working on it.

Trivia: I spend time drawing each episode in the evenings, after I have finished with my day’s writing, and it takes several days to draw one episode.

I should be releasing Episode 6 soon-ish.


Other News

Dedicated followers of all things Sabrina Kane know that me and my girlfriend are big nerds, and one of the things we enjoy doing is building Lego sets.

Well, we recently bought this one! The AT-AT set! We haven’t started building it yet, but are going to start this week. So…yeah…that will probably cut into my writing time a bit. Sorry! 😊 LOL.



Happy reading!



Updates for the Start of September


Fun Facts for “Stealing the Shepherdess”